Working Title: Zombie Jesus and Other True Stories

Edited by: Lori Michelle, Max Booth III, Stan Swanson

Publisher: Dark Moon Books

Projected Publishing Date: Summer 2012

Contact info:

What if Hitler had won the war, but only after selling his soul to the devil? What if the San Francisco earthquake had released demons from the depths of hell? What if vaccinations had never been discovered? What if John Wilkes Booth returned to life as a zombie? This, writers, is your chance to reshape history. We want stories about what the world would be like if history had been different. We don’t care what aspect of history you pick as long as it is still falls within the horror genre and scares our pants off. (Hopefully we won’t be reading these in public places.)

Please no over-the-top gore or erotica. Frighten us a little (well, more than a little) and make us think: “What If?”  For more information visit